Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Eve,

Well, this is the first year Amber has not gone home to Renfrew for Christmas. She and Alex came to spend Christmas with us! This is also the first Christmas Alex and Amber have not been apart for Christmas. The other years, they both chose to go home to their families.

So this is an extra special Christmas. Plus on Saturday we had the Tucker family here for our first Tucker family Christmas dinner. It was a great! There won't be photos because family members don't want to be on the net. And we respect their wishes.

I must say though, that the dinner was a smash hit! And it was great seeing my three week old grand-nephew for the first time. He is Edward William McGee. He is so good and so cute! He reminds me of Alex when he was a new born.

So Sunday was Christmas Eve Eve. How does the Tucker family spend it? In the ultimate geekiness. Playing Guitar Hero and building super computers!
What else?.......

This is a little balancing feat Cam accomplished in his office!

We got a new tree this year. We don't get a real tree, as I am allergic to trees. This tree actually looks real! And it is pre-lit! Folds out like an umbrella, and you plug it in and voila! Tree!

Here is a little video of the room all decked out!

The family room is all decked out and ready for Christmas Eve!
Family, Food, Friends and Yuletide Cheer!

Candy found some great places to hang ouot in the basement!

Amber playing Guitar Hero 3 in Hard Mode

Al is playing a video game on the super computer he built, Cam is watching Amber kick butt in Guitar Hero.

Ahhh Geekdom! That computer is the fastest you can get. Alex ordered parts from all over on sale here and there, and he asked if we could contribute to parts for his Christmas present.
So between our online orders and Alex's ones, being delivered.....The Purolator guy arrived every day for two weeks with the parts. There is a plexiglass wall in the tower so you can see through it and the components light up. Oh in the name of modding!
We are so NERD!

The computer has two high end hard-lined video cards in it for gaming and three fans and a coiled cooling system. The cooling system in this baby is almost the same size as the plenum on my house central air conditioning unit.

The suction power of the fans is so powerful it is suspending a "Magic" card on the grill.

Cam playing Expert Mode Guitar Hero3
See the home-made beer on the table! Carl's passion is his home-brew!
He is famous for it in our crowd!
This batch was bottled on Wednesday.

This video is of Cam playing Expert Mode of Guitar Hero

Carl playing Guitar Hero in Medium mode. I play in easy mode.
I do well in easy, but I don't play enough to do well in medium.

Cam Drumming to the Guitar Hero Tunes when others are playing.

Oh yes, we have a collection of Guitar Hero Guitars!
If you are between 40 and 70, and you have never played a video game, guitar hero is the one to try. It is really fun for everyone and you can compete with each other. The sessions are only as long as a song, so it isn't too draining, and the easy mode is easy to do after one or two tries.
We have the Wii version and Alex has the PC version. The Wii version is really cool because the Wiimote vibrates in the guitar, and it senses power thrusts.



Waterfall said...

Hi Lynn!

Happy Yule!!

Sorry that I've not been communicating in the physical level anyway :):) My dreaming has been out of this world in the past few weeks:)
My son also got Guitar hero and is getting pretty good at it. I like it because he has songs from the 70's to practice:)
He's got a computer set up to work with the TV and a big speaker system now lol There are wires going everywhere in my living room! :)
I've had some major life changes and am single now. Need to find a special understanding guy for the 'interesting' things that happen when you have gifts :)
I am looking forward to seeing the rest of your Yule Celebrations. I really enjoy them. They have such a warm, encompassing energy to them:)

Mother of Invention said...

Beautiful tall tree! Glad you got everything fixed before Christmas! Hope you had a Merry one!

Happy New Year, Lynn!

(My, Candy has grown in the last year!)