Thursday, January 25, 2007


Most of us Northern Hemisphere folks tell stories of "the big snow". Each story starts the same and ends the same. The beginning goes, "When I was a kid.....", and they end, "Now, THAT"S SNOW!"
Every one of those memories explains how many inches in how many hours the snow fell. They talk about burried cars, and wearing snow mobile suits, "snow days" off from schooll, skiing, or tobogganing, or GT snow racing!
In Ontario we get about one wicked storm a winter. But the accumulations don't match the good ole days.

Now, in Newfoundland the story is soooo different. "The Rock" as we affectionately call Newfoundland gets huge accumulations of snow. This is why almost every house has a wood stove as an alternative heat source. Then like Norway the big rains wash the snow away. So Newfoundland gets cycles of snow, where in Ontario, with mostly no winter rain, we get snow build up throughout the season. Then in late April the thaw begins.

Laurie had a great Wordless Wednesday up, but her linky is on the fritz, please leave your comments for her Wordless Wednesday post here if you can't get her's to work.

(click on the photo for a link to Laurie's blog)


TorAa said...

Good to remember last year. Most of us forget the snow that felt last year. So, in fact, I posted a snowy picture from last winter myself.


Anonymous said...

Finally it is snowing here! i am in total bliss!