Today's Theme: Rare
All today's photos are rare. Even a rare video
All today's photos are rare. Even a rare video
Busy Week Is Winding Down
On Tuesday we had a Birthday Dinner at "Jonathan's" to celebrate Margaret's 50th Birthday.
We had a blast! All us knitter gals took over the private dining room.
I made this stick pin for Margaret. It is a floating Hercamer Diamond being played with by a silver kitty.
I made it all. This is called precious or semiprecious wire work.
I use gold or silver wire to create these pieces of jewelry.
I get to use my metallurgical skills in this craft.
She never suffered.
I believe that the tumor made her paralyzed from the waist down so she was in no pain.
Kiki is lost, but is now eating again, after 4 days of not eating, while in mourning.
A very bright Cardinal was listening for bugs and worms on my back garden lawn.
I think this video pans over my work area where I have been busy making Swirl Locks. It has the bright light over the work table.
This is taken from my back garden level of my home. Cam is warming up for a jam with some friends two floors below me. I dare not go lower for the sound would distort in the mic on my camera. Turn Up Your Speakers!
Hi Lynn:)
Wow, so it's your jewelry I had a dream about. Whn I have more time I'll write more on it because it was a 'possible' future obe. We know cirsumstances can always change but from the looks of that obe your going to be a very busy woman:)
I've been busy working with other channelers and making good progress.! I'm being positive, I will be writing a channeled book in the future. One of my original guides White Eagle has come back strong and is working with me again. So I'm going to see where that takes me:)Along with some 'Star friends' *grin*
Off to get groceries!
So happy to see your family is enjoying life :):)
Born of Spirit
Great post, lovely pics and what a great sound you are surrounded with!
Wishing you a lovely end to your week:-)
Pretty pictures of the cardinal - quick hand to catch it so many times! So sad to hear about Bunny, but glad Kiki has begun to adjust. *hugs*
I'll have to listen to the audio another time -- doesn't work on my Linux side. I can login with Windows another day ;)
Cute pin.
Too bad about Bunny.
I saw lots of birds this weekend at the in-laws (north of Belleville) but no cardinals.
My Saturday pic is up too :)
Your jewelry is beautiful and you are so talented. But I am sorry for your hamster's loss; it's so sad how hard the other takes it. I hope you have a peaceful week.
Hey Lynn,
about that dream... It was before we met and I was with my sister. We went to a store in the country. it had a gift shop, restaurant and teaching center. They were selling some things out front as we drove by that got our attention. In the shop there was jewelry just like yours on the wall. I noticed the necklaces, some of it had the metal parts, like what the cat is made of but they flowed out gracefully, almost braided, in loops from the main necklace. Coming out like curls with a gem on the end of the curl. they were very beautiful and covering the wall. You were behind the cabinet and people were coming in a steady stream to ask you spiritual questions and get advise. Also you sold books and other items from the gift shop.
You also had a teaching area for classes :) and my sister and I were taking a class. With some others. You were very busy!
I'm not sure about the restaurant area. it seemed to be
take it is as you will *grin*
maybe even from another life :)
Born Of Spirit
(sorry to hear about your Bunny too. I didn't see about her passing last time I was here :( )
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