Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Live in Tennessee?

Vigilant Guardian

(All underlined words are links. Backpage out of the link to return to the blog)

This month is the big training exercise for the Canadian Military. The exercise takes place at CFB Petawawa, Ontario.

All of the Canadian Reserve units still located in Canada, a good number of our Regular Forces, and invited International Forces take place in the exercise.

In the past this exercise ( Stalwart Guardian ) has taken a rugged bush, and rough terraine exercise because the troops have been in Bosnia and Afghanistan. Thus matching the terraine.

Now our sights are set to a different terraine. Urban battle and warfare. Now the troops will run simulations (sometimes with live rounds) and set up platoons in the Urban setting and on the perimeter.

Both my Husband Carl, and my Son Alex are in the Queen's York Rangers Reserve unit. This is Alex's third run at this exercise, and his first run as a Corporal.

Carl is having his first run at this exercise as a Private.
Carl is the oldest recruit in the Canadian forces siged up in 2005. Carl is 49.

Here are some web sites to read up on Vigilant Guardian:

False Flag News

Cannon Fire

Let's Roll

Canadian Military
this is the best one

Vigilant Guardian: This Years Stories

The Canadian Reserves are volunteer part-time soldiers.
They can also volunteer, as a reservist, to attach to a Regular Forces Unit and be deployed into battle. August 1st, 2006 six of Alex and Carl's unit were deployed to Afghanistan.

The Canadian Reserve unit is the most highly trained reserve unit in the world. Canadian military must pass an intelligence test and a fitness test, medical examinations, and a psychological profile to join. Sometimes University students can't eve pass the intelligence/knowledge test. Both Carl and Alex scored top level on this test which means they qualify to do any job in the Military.

In World War 2 the Canadian troops fought along side the
Gurhkas, and they learned about silent fighting. From then on Canadian military took on a different approach to warfare.

We have a small military for the size of our country. We are also are in the Nato Peace Keeping Forces. We do not purchase large amount of battle hardware like, Tanks, Planes, Ships, and Submarines. Instead Canada specialized in Guerrilla warfare, Ranger Reconiscence, Intelligence, and Snipers.

Canada goes in before any other troops are on the ground. Their special forces can be in an area 18 months before we hear any battle calls. They will scope out an area and learn everything the commanders need to call to battle.

Our special forces JTF accepts members of the Reserves, as well as the Regular forces, so our Reservists must be hightly trained to qualify.

Besides their battle skills, our Reservists are pro, recovery aid, bridge builders, clean water teams, emergency medical units, and policing guards that can implement on hours notice to go to a country with a natural disaster. Our troops are all over the world in recovery and rebuild aid for countries stricken my drout, hurricanes, sunami, tornadoes, floods, landslides, earthquakes etc.

The Canadian Military, including Reservists have the best MASH units in the world. Our Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals are the best equipped and best supported units of their kind.

(Al showing off his Corporal stripes, on his chest)

So Canada decided to support the experts when they
worked on their military numbers. They knew they would
never have a huge number of recruits, like the USA, so
they could not take on alot of large scale equipment that
requires large numbers of Military just to run them.
Canada decided to make our small Forces, compared to
the USA a more specialized defence.

This way Canada would be a great support team for any other large military country.

Carl and Alex are both Computer Geeks by day. Mild mannered techno wizards. Carl is a senior Manager for CGI, and Alex owns the company Automatic Pixel Production.

Carl directs teams in Mainframe technology, IT development, and Client/Server applications. He is a hightly trained Computer Sciences Graduate that knows 19 different programming languages and applications used today.

Alex is a Web Designer, with Branding development skills. He is still a University/College student. He is proficient in all the programming languages used in Web Development.

Alex has almost 10 yrs experience in his field. He studied all the language manuals on his own when he was in highschool.

These guys are far removed from their daytime persona, to become the trained Superheroes they are at night and on the weekends.


RheLynn said...

thanks for putting up the note for Squint - he still needs a good permanent home, as he won't be able to stay at this place (another cat has come into the picture).

I'm trying again!

Anonymous said...

A few good men...They look great in uniform!