Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Videos Galore!

Well I am bacheloring it now. Carl is gone for a month. I thought that I would be very disorganized, but so far.....my first day.....I am more organized than usual.
I didn't do a whole lot. Cheryl came over and we had our weekly sit, knit, gab, and drink coffee day. Cam and I had leftovers for dinner, and he has now gone out to the movies.

I watched Coronation Street (for those in Great Britain-we are 9 months behind here in the story so don't tell me anything). Fred has died on the day of his wedding. I guess that means he has retired for good, and does not plan to come back for any reunions.

I had the TV off the rest of the day, and tonight I am listening to 5 CDs of Classical Music on the stereo. This is the advantage of being virtually on my own. No TV!.....ahhhh.....peace.

I have a few more videos to do, but I am all YouTubed out now, so this is it for a bit.

Carl called tonight. He has two weeks of driving course (which he says is like my drivers ed class I used to teach) and then two weeks of Comms. Comms. is communications: using radio codes and calls. Part of the driving will be day and part will be night. But....things are easier than the other courses because of driving hours regulations reguarding rest and time behind the wheel create forced rest. He was so dissapointed when he found out Fred died. (can you tell Carl and I are hooked on Coronation Street!?)
He is off this weekend, so far (if anyone screws up the group could lose the priviledge), and he has chosen to stay on base and just socialize with the guys and get to know them.
He is welcome to go home, but he will not be provided a bus ride.

I think I will go to Petawawa for next weekend. I might camp or I might hotel it. Dunno yet.
I will take an extended weekend and travel up there. So I hope no one screws up.

Here are the videos:

The Lefroy Scottish Tattoo
Video One

Video Two

Canada Day Fireworks in Newmarket
Video One

Video Two

Cat vs Carrier


Teena in Toronto said...

I can hear the fireworks at Ontario Place right this very second! If I stand in the right spot in our parking lot and look south, I can see 'em. But I'm too lazy and tired right now.

RheLynn said...

Classical music and a visit from a friend, how nice!